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Join the A-Team.

We have positions that fit your busy schedules.


Area Lead: Each sector of the stadium will be broken down into “Areas” with 1 Area Lead overseeing 4-6 beer portables/stands within their designated area. They will be facilitating the restocking of their stands, jumping in a stand to help during rush times (pre-game, halftime, etc.), and helping stand leads conduct beginning and ending inventory counts before and after the event.

Stand Lead: Each stand will be led by a stand lead. Stand leads conduct a beginning inventory count (pre-event), track inventory transfers in and out of the stand (during the event), and conduct a final ending inventory count (post-event). In addition to a stand lead’s inventory responsibilities, the stand lead will be responsible for ensuring their stand is left clean after the shift is over.

Staff Member.

Cashiers: Cashiers will work at non-alcoholic stands and operate individual point-of-sale systems, and facilitate customer transactions at each stand. All food items sold at the stand are pre-made, only requiring a cashier to grab the item and hand it to the customer. 

Bartenders: Bartenders will facilitate sales and serve beer (and potentially pre-made food items) within a concession stand/beer portable. They will be directed by their designated Stand Lead, and assist with ID’ing customers, opening beers, and cleaning the stand post-shift. Bartenders will directly operate point-of-sale systems and serve beer (and some general food items) to customers. 

***College-Level Internships

Please email your resume to apply@eats2seats.com